Participate in a Positive Spaces Research Project One-on-One Interview

Sign up for a one-on-one interview at the bottom of this page.

The North Bay Positive Spaces Research Project is seeking LGBTQ2S+ people to participate in a confidential one-on-one interview about your experiences and needs regarding access to services. By participating in our interviews, you will have the opportunity to share your important feedback and insights about how to improve access to services, and what kinds of services are needed for LGBTQ2S+ people in North Bay.

Can you answer 'yes' to the following questions?

  • Are you LGBTQ2S+?
  • Do you live in North Bay or access services in North Bay?
  • Are you age 16 or older?

Then we want to hear from you!

The interviews will be held in an accessible and private space. Refreshments will be provided.

To share your story at one of our one-on-one interviews, sign up below.

Sign up for an one-on-one interview by clicking below:

The focus groups will be held in an accessible and private spaces. Refreshments will be provided.

interviews icon.png

Did you know you? In addition to completing our survey you can also share your story in our online survey and a focus group.

*Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, 2-Spirit, and the “+” represents and acknowledges other identities not explicitly listed in this acronym