Thank you for participating in the LGBTQ2S+ Community Survey for the North Bay Positive Spaces Research Project. We appreciate your time and for sharing your story with us.
What now?
- Sign up for one of our Focus Groups. Go here to sign up and learn more. (You can participate in a focus group even if you have already done the survey)
- Sign up for a One-on-One Interview. Go here to sign up and learn more. (You can participate in an interview even if you have already done the survey)
- Share the project with your friends, family and followers! Encourage local LGBTQ2S+ people you know to participate in the research! Pass the survey link to your social media or send via email. Here's the link:
- Download our posters and share with your friends, family, and colleagues! Go here to see our marketing materials.
You've already completed the survey. Now check out the other two ways you can Share Your Story!
*You can participate in all 3 ways (online survey, focus groups and interviews)!
Actually, we encourage it!
Check back for updates at and like our Facebook page.
To stay connected to the project sign up for our email list here. You will receive updates about the upcoming focus groups and interviews, when we will be presenting the results of the research, and you will also receive a copy of the final report once completed.